Thursday 5 July 2012

High Court objection to Ajith's Billa 2 film Release

Ajith's Billa 2 film is going to Release on coming 13th July. This trailer was planned to release in front of hang of film stars .
This function was in Chennai Koddoorpuram at Anna Century library Auditorium before 2 or 3 days at 6p.m . Invitations were given to actors, actresses and producers.

Rajani, Kamal and others presence were expected for it.  In addition with prime  actress  Omanakuttan and others also had participated there in this function.

Ajith's fans had decorated along the roads by flags, festoons, and with cut outs but this function was cancelled.

Already these kinds of Film Festivals had placed there but yesterday Government allowed to celebrate wedding functions at Anna Century library Auditorium one case is filed  this function  should be banded  .

Bench of Judges inquired during that time Government didn't allow wedding celebrations there . It is ensured by state Judge.

By this conflict ,They didn't provide approval to this Billa 2 trailer releasing festival. After this incident this festival was cancelled. Yesterday they didn't conduct this function but they released it.

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